Meet the Gemmologist "Soph"

Sophie Eldridge


Sophie has always had an interest in jewellery and gemstones and was intrigued with the science and geology behind gems and minerals. Initially from the far south coastal town of Batemans Bay, she first entered the industry at age15 when she worked weekends at the local Angus and Coote Jeweller. It expanded from there as she went on to work in various jewellery stores becoming an accredited Jewellery Professional through the GIA and began to study a Diploma of Gemmology in 2011 graduating in 2014. It was during her studies that she met Steven who shared Sophie's vision of being a professional within the industry. It was then in 2015 they moved to Sydney together to start their own business. Sophie continued to further her studies with a Diploma in Applied Gemmology to become an Accredited Jewellery Valuer with the National Council of Jewellery Valuers.

As well as being an Accredited Jewellery Professional as completed with the GIA, a Gemmologist and an Accredited Jewellery Valuer with the NCJV, Sophie also has 15 years of experience in the jewellery industry and attended the largest jewellery/gemstone trade fairs in the world.

Sophie has a professional and knowledgeable approach when dealing in all aspects surrounding gemstones, jewellery and customer service.